Geeform 24Kt Electroforming
Gold Electroforming Series electrolytes for 24Kt Hard and soft gold plating. High thickness upto 500 microns can be achieved. Used for making hollow jewellery articles, watch cases and various decorative and technical applications.

Geeform 2024S
Geeform 2024C
Geeform AS 24Kt
Geeform 2024S
Geeform 2024S is a Gold Sulphite based neutral bath gives stress free bright fine structured yellow gold deposit with excellent coverage and consistency over high thicknesses. It is highly suitable for electroforming with gold deposit having very high purity.
Unique Advantages
Gold purity >99.9%
Mirror bright yellow finish
Thickness: >500 microns
Suitable for electroforming
Good throwing power
Good coverage
Wide operating current densities
Cyanide free bath
Gold Idols figurines
Gold jewellery - rings, pendants, beads
Technical applications specialised components and devices
Pillars and artefacts of silver or brass
Geeform 2024C
Geeform 2024C is neutral high speed plating bath suitable for high thickness deposits. The deposit is ductile, stress free and excellent soldering properties.
Unique Advantages
Gold purity >99.9%
Mirror bright yellow finish
Thickness: >500 microns
Suitable for electroforming
Stress free deposit
Good coverage
Wide operating current densities
Gold Idols figurines
Gold jewellery - rings, pendants, beads
Technical applications specialised components and devices
Pillars and artefacts

Geeform AS 24Kt
Geeform AS 24Kt electrolyte is suitable for gold electroforming for high thickness of upto 500 microns. Geeform AS 24Kt is a Gold Sulphite based neutral bath gives stress free bright fine structured yellow gold deposit with excellent coverage and consistency over high thicknesses. It is highly suitable for electroforming with gold deposit having very high purity.
Unique Advantages
Gold purity >99.9%
Mirror bright yellow finish
Thickness: >500 microns
Suitable for electroforming
Stress free deposit
Good coverage
Wide operating current densities
Gold Idols figurines
Gold jewellery - rings, pendants, beads
Technical applications specialised components and devices
Pillars and artefacts