Geeflash N14 Hamilton
Electrolyte for flash gold plating

Geeflash N14 is a gold electrolyte which produces hamilton gold colour flash deposits upto 0.2 microns thickness. The electrolyte has a neutral pH with no free cyanide and operates at low gold concentrations. The electrolyte is Nickel and cobalt free. The deposit has a rich yellow colour matching hamilton (american 14Kt colour) gold standard with good wear resistance making it suitable as a top coat for several decorative applications such as watches, jewellery, fashion accesories, trophies and artefacts.
Electrolyte features
Neutral pH
No free cyanide
Low gold concentration
Nickel and Cobalt free
Deposit features
Bright Hamilton colour
Top coat
Upto 0.2 microns
Nickel and Cobalt free
Good wear resistance

Low gold concentration and good tolerance to metallic impurities
Decorative applications
Fashion accessories
Costume Jewellery